Tenant Support Program

1) The Tenant Support Program (TSP) assists Hamilton tenants facing eviction and landlord issues including:

• Tenants in receipt of a Notice to End Tenancy (N13) because the landlord wants to demolish, repair or convert the
    rental unit to another use.

• Tenants in receipt of a Notice to End Tenancy (N12) because the landlord, purchaser, or a family member of the
    landlord requires the unit.

• Landlords who apply to the Landlord Tenants Board (LTB) for an Above-Guideline Increase (AGI).

2) The TS Program helps tenants stay housed, prevents possible eviction, supports the tenant’s case at the Landlord
    Tribunal Board and whenever possible prevents the occurrence of evictions.

3) The TS Program promotes eviction prevention and builds capacity for tenants and landlords to ensure successful

4) The TS Program provides tenant and landlord education to enhance understanding of responsibilities of both
    Tenants and Landlords.

5) If an N13 displacement occurs, the TS Program helps tenants to exercise their Right of Return.

Role of the Tenant Support Worker

Provide tenant education about their rights and responsibilities as it relates to evictions and build capacity and
collaboration with landlords to ensure they understand their responsibilities prior to issuing N13.

Support tenants who choose to exercise a right of first refusal by ensuring they are supported to reoccupy the rental
unit at a rental rate that is no more than what the landlord can lawfully charge including providing the
written notice required to exercise this right prior to displacement.

Provide tenants facing an N13 eviction with a housing plan and assistance to find alternative housing for either the
duration of the renovation, or with new housing, should they not intend to return to their original housing.

Link qualified tenants and landlords to existing housing rental support programs.

TSP is funded by the City of Hamilton in partnership with ACORN-Hamilton, Housing Help Centre and Hamilton Community Legal Clinic.


Housing Connect is a service provided by Housing Help Centre – Hamilton & Area. HousingConnect supports renters
to find and maintain affordable rental housing in Hamilton and supports landlords in Hamilton to market, fill and
maintain vacancies.

HousingConnect helps tenants conduct online housing searches, attend viewing and understanding how their credit
scores work.

HousingConnect provides a complete listing of Housing with Supports available in Hamilton.

Click here to Access HousingConnect

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

Click here for a Quick Reference Guide
Tenant Support
Phone:  (905) 526-8100
Fax:  (905) 528-1448
E-Mail: info@housinghelpcentre.ca

119 Main Street East
Hamilton, Ontario
L8N 3Z3